Intellectual Property Management
- Strategy(Stance and Approach)
- Governance
- Risk Management
- Indicators and Targets
- Major Initiatives
- Performance Data
(Stance and Approach)
Basic Concept
We believe that intellectual property as a result of our research and development activities is an important management resource that supports SEKISUI CHEMICAL Group's growth and earnings as well as efforts to maximize corporate value. For this reason, we strive to secure strategic intellectual property that supports our business and to maintain and manage the intellectual property we have acquired.
Under the Medium-term Management Plan that started in fiscal 2023, we are engaged in activities while referencing the Patent Asset Index™(PAI), which is an indicator of the value of patented property.
In response to the divisional company organization system, SEKISUI CHEMICAL Group has established independent intellectual property departments at each of its headquarters and divisional companies so that each divisional company can promptly promote its activities in accordance with its business environment.
The R&D Committee regularly monitors the activities of intellectual property departments and holds discussions with top management.
Risk Management
Each divisional company of SEKISUI CHEMICAL Group conducts surveys to ensure that it does not infringe on the intellectual property of others, in line with its business environment. The results of these surveys are provided to business divisions and laboratories as needed, and appropriate measures are taken to avoid and prevent risks in an effort to detect and minimize them at an early stage.
At each divisional company in SEKISUI CHEMICAL Group, the intellectual property departments, business divisions, and R&D divisions work together at all times. Based on the characteristics of each business area, we seek a competitive advantage over our competitors and promote intellectual property activities that lead to the expansion and growth of our own businesses.
At headquarters, we plan and promote a common intellectual property strategy for the entire Company, with the aim of optimizing intellectual property.
Strategic Activities for Securing Intellectual Property
SEKISUI CHEMICAL Group promotes strategic intellectual property activities that make the most of its technology prominence and contribute to its business.
Specifically, we analyze the competitive environment surrounding intellectual property information, markets, and competitive information, expanding to include not only patent information but also a wide range of non-patent information related to business activities, and then implement appropriate strategies and intellectual property portfolio management.
Employee Education
In order to ensure that each developer maintains and manages his or her own intellectual property and avoids and prevents intellectual property infringement by others, we have prepared several educational programs tailored to the level of each developer, from basic knowledge to strategy building, and conduct Group-wide educational activities on intellectual property.
Reasonable Evaluations with Regard to Inventions
SEKISI CHEMICAL Group has established the Invention Grand Prize system as part of the evaluation and treatment of researchers and engineers, in addition to providing various incentives for employee inventions. We also reward employees with inventions that make a particularly large contribution to profits by rewarding their achievements.
- 15-20
- 15-21
Number of Patent Application Filings
Number of Patents Held
- 10-01-1
Patent Asset Index™ growth rate
- Note 1: Growth rate based on 2018 Patent Asset Index™ data, calculated using LexisNexis' PatentSight® patent analysis tool.
- Note 2: The Patent Asset Index™ is a comprehensive evaluation index of patents that multiplies the technical value calculated based on the number of citations and the market value calculated based on the country of application for each patent with valid legal status, and adds them together to show the asset value of the patent.